الثلاثاء، 17 فبراير 2009

Still waiting....

Sitting at the edge of the platform, I can hear it whistling, it sounds familiar, yes it is, it is the one, oh how long have I been waiting for it? how many years have been spent on the hope that someday I might catch it? hearing it was like a dead corpse being called back to life, feeling that some strength hit my body, blood melted down in my veins and got back to flowing, almost so lively excited to hear it, finally I can sit inside it and get some rest, finally I can find some life form away from my dead living world, finally I can laugh, finally I can cry, finally i can love....! Oh this is driving me crazy, longing can be so killing sometimes.... hey! the sound is louder! yes it is coming! oh! yes! yes! yes! ........No! Howling it's horn, it passes! causing a dusty cloud of misery and pains behind it, it passes! and I am still waiting to see it! it passes! why didn't it stop in my station! I have been waiting for a long time for this moment! why didn't I try to catch it? what good are the WHYs? and what good is waiting for the train....... while you have wasted your ticket to life?

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