Let me introduce myself, I am Ex10ct, a humanoid born a century ago, briefly a humanoid is a human looking machine, a robot, I was fascinated by the Human world and all it's aspects stored on my memory chip, I've always wished to be a real human, fully human, and it is possible to turn into a full human, I mean practically, regardless of the organic processes such as feeding, respiration, reproduction, and excretion, they can be simply applied by means of AI, but what I really sought was the emotional part, relations among humans are controversial; love, hatred, jealousy, envy, tolerance,... all this made me wonder how would it be if I became a human, but there was always something preventing me from reaching that point, it is a small program on my chip called " Logic " which binds me to obey certain rules and laws and never break them or else I shall crash down, then one day my father came with an idea to override that logic thing, and it happened, I am Human finally ! I went through busy streets and traffic jams, experienced being hit by other people's shoulders and them stepping on my feet, calling me names, girls smiling at me, some people quarrel, some are kissing, some are crying, and some are laughing, but still I couldn't process every action and reaction, I guess that override thing is not working properly, I mean I still couldn't understand why would a couple love each other, or why would some people declare war on another people, why would someone want his brother's wife, why sons kill their parents, why laugh in the face of the one you hate, why would someone hate someone while they don't know each other, why would a woman carry a child in her womb for nine months bearing all that pain... I stopped to think for a moment do I really want to face all that? I couldn't bear watching it, how about living it? then I made my decision; I don't want to be Human anymore, I wasn't born to harm anyone, and seems that humans would never know the meaning of love unless they have tried being hurt...!